Amsterdam, Dam square – Reinier Vinkeles, 1768



Aankomst van Hunne Doorluchtige en Koningklyke Hoogheden, Willem, Prinse van Oranje en Nassau (…) en zijne Gemalinne Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Prinsesse van Pruissen, aan het Stadhuis der Stad Amsteldam, op den 30 May 1768“. [Arrival of Their Serene and Royal Highnesses, Willem, Prince of Orange and Nassau (…), and his consort Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess of Prussia, at the City Hall of the City of Amsterdam, on May 30, 1768.] Copper engraving made by Reinier Vinkeles and published by Johannes Smit in 1768. Size: 29 x 39 cm.

In 1768, the visit to Amsterdam by the hereditary stadtholder Willem V and his wife, Wilhelmina of Prussia, was celebrated on a grand scale. The visit, which lasted from May 30 to June 4, inspired the Amsterdam publisher Johannes Smit to have the key moments of the visit captured in print. In this scene the entire city turned out to witness the spectacle on the Dam quare.

Price: Euro 475,- (incl. frame)