Military encampment The Hague – Daniel Marot jr, 1742
“Plan van ‘t Campement door de guardes te paert en te voet… Op den 29. mey 1742. in ‘t Haagsche Bosch bezyde de Maliebaan”.(Plan of the Encampment by the guards on horseback and on foot… On the 29th of May 1742, in the Haagse Bosch beside the Maliebaan.) Copper engraving with letterpress made after the design of Daniel Marot Jr., published by Daniel Moetjens in 1742. Coloured by a later hand. Size (including text): 54 x 45.7 cm.
The area near the Maliebaan, in the Haagse Bos, was traditionally used for the mustering of troops. Although the Dutch Republic in the 18th century was involved in various conflicts, 1742 fell within a period of peace. With this bird’s eye perspective of the Malieveld, we witness a large-scale military exercise and camp set up on the orders of the States of Holland and West-Friesland. It was characterized by its grand scale (hence this engraving), impressive military displays, and significant public interest in the parades. The military exercises and carnival-like scenes on the grounds were observed by “a Corps of light women” and the stunningly beautiful girls from The Hague.
Price: Euro 425,-