Winter landscape – CVDW after Adriaen van de Velde, 1804
Winter Landscape with pen and washed ink after a drawing by 17th-century landscape painter Adriaen van de Velde, created in 1804 by the Monogrammist CVDW. Signed “A.V.Velde, d[elineavit] CVDW f[ecit] 1804” at the bottom. Size (paper): 18.2 x 26.4 cm.
In the 19th century, there was a nostalgic view of the winters of previous centuries. Harsh winters still occurred, and skating remained popular, but the Little Ice Age, which began around 1500, was coming to an end.
Two people are being pushed and pulled in a sleigh (by a woman). To their left, two well-to-do citizens are watching skaters further out on the ice. We see a couple speeding along on skates, with the man holding a colf club. On the far right is a man on a prikslee (a small ice sledge).
Price: €1.650,- (incl. frame).