A happy crowd – Vladimir Lebedev, ca. 1920

Cubist composition attributed to Vladimir Vasilievich Lebedev (Влади́мир Васи́льевич Ле́бедев) (1891 – 1967). Mixed technique on paper. Size: approx. 36 x 27 cm (frame: 52 x 42 cm).

Shifting views are commonly used in cubism. Something can be viewed from different angles. From above when standing, from the side when sitting, or from below. Cubists try to bring this together in their work.

In cubism no distinction is made between three-dimensional forms that bend towards the viewer and forms that should bend away from the viewer. Cubists flatten shapes and then multiply them, in such a way that flat surfaces with many patterns are painted and viewed from different angles. The faceting or simplification of geometric forms suggests mechanization and modern life.

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