Butterflies – 19th century
19th-century drawing with ink and watercolor by an anonymous artist. Size: 19 x 24 cm.
The butterflies drawn here could be, among others (please forgive the limitations of the author, who worked with very modest knowledge of butterflies, as city dwellers unfortunately have only few encounters with them): the Water Erebia (Erebia Pronoe), the Large Tortoiseshell (Limenitis Populi), the Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus), the Yellow-Spotted Mountain Erebia (Erebia Manto), the Comma (Arachina Levana), and the Alpine Erebia (Erebia Epiphron).
After going through numerous encyclopedias, it can be concluded that the artist must have stood in a forest in a mountainous environment. Most of the depicted butterflies still seem to inhabit Central, South, and Eastern Europe today, but this says little about their habitat in the 19th century. But who knows, maybe the artist was in the Dutch Haarlemmerhout to make this lovely drawing.
Price: SOLD