The spoiled girl – Ferdinand Staeger (Meggendorfer Blätter), 1908

Die Verwöhnte“ [“the spoiled girl“] watercolour by Ferdinand Staeger, design for a cartoon in the Meggendorfer Blätter nr. 927 from 1908. Signed „F. STAEGER“ in the lower right. Size: 37 x 15,7 cm.

In the magazine the cartoon has a text that goes with it:

„Du bist so schön. Es fehlt Dir nicht an Freiern,
Fehlt nicht an Leuten, die tagaus, tagein,
Sich unermüdlich Deine Dienste Weihn,
Und dithyrambisch Deine Reize feiern.“

[“You are so pretty. You have ample suitors,
You have ample people who day in, day out,
Are tirelessly at your service,
And celebrate your charms passionately”]

The “Meggendorfer Blätter Zeitschrift für Humor und Kunst” [Magazine for humor and art], published in Munich between 1888 and 1944, was a magazine founded by the artist Lothar Meggendorf and was all about satire of a high artistic quality. The magazine was full of illustrated jokes, short stories, poems, caricatures and cartoons created by a large number of well-known and lesser-known artists. In contrast to a magazine like Simplicissimus, which appeared in the same period, the humor of the Meggendorfer Blätter was less politically engaged and is therefore still understandable and witty today.

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